Case Studies
Over the last few decades, Congressional Strategies (CS) has successfully helped advance the objectives of all our clients.
Case Study 1
Business Development and Contracts Intelligence Assistance for Large Defense Contractor
For 20 years, Congressional Strategies has provided federal business development services and strategic insight to a major business unit of a large U.S. defense contractor, working closely with key officials to identify contracting opportunities and areas to promote company’s business in the defense and federal market. CS monitors more than 100 budget programs and billions of dollars in funding lines through the federal budget process, from the President’s budget request and throughout the Congressional defense authorization and appropriations process.
The CS team provides real-time information and updates regarding defense contracting opportunities and updates on key programs and issues of interest to company, resulting in identification of key funding opportunities that align with company’s business strategy, past performance and capabilities.
Case Study 2
Government Relations and Business Development services to leading Research and Strategy Firm working with federal agencies to develop strategies and solutions to key social, behavioral, and health-related challenges
Advised firm providing evidence-based research, advisory and communications services for multiple federal agencies by developing a legislative engagement strategy to build awareness and support for key federal public health programs and human capital investments by the Department of Defense, Department of Human Services, and other federal agencies.
Developed targeted legislative engagement strategy to promote client’s work supporting the Department of Defense. Worked with key Senate and House oversight committees and Member offices to promote the Department’s military recruitment programs and engaged key House committee and Member offices to include language in the National Defense Authorization Act to recommend the Department establish an evidence-based prevention research clearinghouse to support the military services with best practices to prevent suicide, sexual assault, and other harmful behavior.
Worked with key Senate oversight committee and Senate offices to secure legislative language in major healthcare legislation that addresses client’s recommendations for improving future pandemic preparation and communication strategies.
Case Study 3
Full-Service Government Relations representation to large healthcare company, providing outreach to 20+ states
Managed the development of a legislative outreach campaign and messaging to support large healthcare organization’s work for the Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs, engaging key Senate and House committees with oversight of military and veterans’ healthcare issues and outreach to over 20 states’ House and Senate Congressional delegations.
Arranged regular meetings for client with Senate and House defense and veterans oversight and appropriations committees and with key Congressional offices to promote funding and policy issues related to DoD and Veterans health programs. Developed strategic engagement plan to promote client’s legislative priorities and monitored legislation impacting DoD and Veterans health programs.
Case Study 4
Government Relations representation to cybersecurity company that resulted in $4 Million in defense appropriations funding for key DOD data security requirement.
Provided full-service lobbying and advocacy services for major U.S.-based cybersecurity company that specializes in providing data security for multiple federal and national security agencies.
Worked with client to develop a Congressional strategy to secure funding for a military unfunded requirement and involved arranging meetings and outreach to multiple Member offices and key Congressional committees.